Supernatural - Sam & Dean Winchester
Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW

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I have kind of been in denial about how Supernatural is coming to an end after 15 seasons, mostly because I haven’t loved how the season started. But then they go all Atomic Monsters on me last week.

Supernatural -Castiel, Sam & Dean
Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW

This was my favorite kind of supernatural episode and I hope it’s indicative of where the rest of the season is going. Going to try not to be too spoilery!

Wink, wink!

I love when Supernatural takes a break from all the heavy, end of the world level crises and just has fun. It seemed like the whole episode was a wink to getting back to what’s been missing on the show. Sam and Dean go on one of their kind of jobs. Our old friend Chuck shows up at the home of Becky, the superfan girl, who I’m glad to see has been loyal to the fandom. Her home is filled with awesome SPN merch from Funko Pops to her handmade set replicas. Did you spot Dean in his gym teacher get up and the Peaches sign? 

Supernatural -Peaches Motel
Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW

Becky becomes Chuck’s writing coach, urging him to keep going because writers need to write. When she reads his story, she points out so much that’s been wrong with SPN, so maybe there’s a nod to the show getting back on track.

Supernatural - Chuck
Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW 

Sam has been depressed, and I thought Jared Padalecki’s performance was so real. Knowing his struggles with mental health, you can see that he felt every word. I was in tears!  

Supernatural - Rowena
Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW

After the previous week’s The Rupture – which was pretty depressing – it was great to have some humor back on the show. Bacon jokes. The Leviathans. No Castiel or classic rock! 

What’s Chuck’s writing?

The opening was a very disturbing vision in red – with some very badass moves by Dean. (This episode was directed by Jensen Ackles, BTW. Way to make yourself look awesome!) There were also some throwbacks to Sam’s demon blood problem, references to Jody and Bobby, and a cameo from Benny. Now my question is, what was Chuck writing? The plot to the episode or the dream? I don’t think we’re going to have a happy ending for the boys no matter what. 

Are you a Supernatural fan?

Let me know how you feel about the series coming to an end and about this season in the comments below!

You can check out the time my friend Melissa of Mommy’s World and I met Jared and Jensen at a Supernatural convention! 

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